
I think this book was a wonderful book. It was like a novel somewhat. And I think it is interesting that it was written in first person. Because Anne Hobbs Purdy told her story to Robert Specht, then he became interested in it and wrote her biography as she had told it to him.

It's interesting that the author chose the title Tisha. This wasn't Anne's name, but what Chuck, a boy who didn't know English very well, called her instead of Teacher.

I learned a lot from this book, since I don't usually read books that take place in Alaska. The books that I've read that do take place in Alaska take place during the Gold Rush, but this takes place after the excitement is over, so it's interesting.

I liked also how there was a romance, and how even though everyone discouraged Anne to be good friends with Fred, who was a half-breed, in the end she writes that ten years later they got married. So that was like a happy ending.

Overall I enjoyed this book very much; it was one of those books that I couldn't put down until I was done with it. I had finished reading the book so early, so when I started the book report, more than a month later, I even read it again to refresh my memory - and enjoyed it just as much.